Friday, August 22, 2014
What, no tweets? A Journalist Beheaded
Just watching the gruesome beheading of journalist James Foley makes me angry, sad, and downright vengeful. He was a brave man. This was a direct attack on free speech. It was a spit in the face of freedom by a group dedicated to wiping out freedom. Yet what amazes me is the deafening silence of the media, the pundits, even the Hollywood so-called opinion makers - all of whom depend on the exchange of free ideas and free societies to traffic their thoughts and opinions. No tweets, no columns, no nothing. Only the Right wing media seems ablaze with substantive words. What gives? Nothing from Dwight Howard? Penelope Cruz, where are you when we need an involved political tweet to respond to this gruesome horror?
Speaking of involved, all our President could give in response to the beheading was a tepid, amateur theologian summation of how "no religion teaches this", then back to the links. Four!!! I'm just thinking out loud: did Ike play this much golf? I mean, when you've got the Secretary of Defense and active and retired generals all talking about taking ISIS seriously and the Commander in Chief behaving in such a casual and aloof fashion - it sends mixed signals that cannot steel a nation for the seriousness of the task at hand. This was observed by Michael Savage, and I agree with this: the ONLY thing that gets this President riled up and emotional are the Republicans. No crisis, no situation, no judge - nothing gets him into the game, so to speak, than the Republican Party and all that it stands for. This is strange, fascinating, and unbecoming of the holder of the most powerful office on the planet.
Me? I'm simply waiting for the next disaster to strike, and praying it isn't the blow to end all blows.
Friday, August 15, 2014
President Obama the Credible Liar
There is just no end to the chicanery at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I honestly believe Barack Obama is firmly against the nation of Israel. I've stated this in this blog many times. He is unprecedented, as president, in his continual lies about his love for America, his support for this countries allies, and about any general support for Israel. We've come now to the case of the president's statement on "unprecedented" support for Israel and its security.
Bound by agreements between allies, it is customary and routine for military departments to trade, ship, and share arms and munitions. It's part of the ongoing process of building trust and cooperation among allies for the sake of common national security interests. We now have come to discover that the White House has injected itself into the customary arms shipment process from the U.S. to Israel - and has put a block on all military shipments to Israel. My Lord. This article captures how poorly a press secretary reacts when confronted by reporters as to why this block happened and who's responsible for it. The backdrop of president Obama's previous declaration of unprecedented support is telling. This man and his Administration are not to be trusted. It's just how skillfully he cloaks his lies to Israel and to the American people is what is so fascinating. His lies, in my judgment, have long since crossed the Rubicon of incredible to credible. The Credible Liar - Barack Obama!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
On this issue Ann Coulter thinks like I think...
Ann Coulter's scathing indictment of American Christianity took the form of an attack on a doctor who left his home in the U.S. to become a missionary to Liberia and wound up catching the Ebola virus. I loved it! A true story: I was interested in planting a church in the inner city of a major southern metroplex a few years ago. I needed advice and some fundraising help from my denomination - whose name will go unmentioned - but suffice it to say that this multinational church denomination is famous for sending missionaries abroad, especially to Africa. Eventually during my conversation over lunch with the Missions Board Director, the topic of how much I needed to get started came up. When I asked how much it would cost to send a missionary to Africa, I was told a five figure sum could be given by the Board and the rest would have to be raised from the local church. I suggested I'd be interested in receiving a tenth of that amount. When he asked where I was interested in going, I replied, to the inner city. Unfortunately for me that did not strike him as a mission field and the conversation's tone changed a bit. While sympathetic to my desires, the Missions Director delicately stated that US inner cities were ineligible for missions status since, in so many words as he put it: it was the "territory" of the Black Churches of America. Ahem! Ah, well. That was that. A missionary to Africa can receive $30,000 from a major denomination but a missionary to Atlanta, not even a tenth of that. I was not entirely discouraged, but I did leave that denomination and temporarily laid aside my plans to preach and teach the Word of God. Abandoning the mission field in the city, I sought instead to become an educator - and found a position as a Christian school educator, in particular. As it turned out, the Lord was providentially closing doors and leading me to where He wanted me to be. And like a fish to water, it has been in the field of Christian education where I have found much satisfaction and peace. Yet every now and again, I look back at the fields of harvest in the city from time to time and wonder what might have been. When I see the collapse of the Black family in the city I wonder what good I could have done.
Reading Ann Coulter's article caused me to remember what I saw at the time. America's soul was dying and it needed missionaries to the places where its soul was darkest: it's cities. Nothing against Africa, there are many fine Christians and churches there, but America needs all its Christian hands on deck, on its own shores. Ann is right, that doctor would have been of far greater use here in our towns and cities where diseases of the soul abound.
Young Turks Question
So there's this clown/host, Cenk Uygur, whose show TV "Young Turks" has a more liberal and Hamas-loving bent to it, tweeted a question: "Where should Hamas fire their rockets from?" Which I think is a question that deserves a answer grounded in military reality and common sense. They may not be ready to hear this, but in the history of warfare and uprisings - ancient and modern - if fighting takes place within the confines of a populace, then there will be casualties within that populace. War is Hell and people, innocent and guilty alike, die in it.
But the question got me to thinking about urban warfare and how much more devastating its consequences are versus traditional, field-of-battle, conflicts. Take the Communard Revolt of 1871 in France. A very large political group of communists, called the Commune, by way of revolt and a distracted French Army, took over Paris for about the space of one year. The Communards - like Hamas - did NOTHING to build up a regular army to fight the French on a given field of battle - away from civilians - so that things could be settled by the ancient laws of conquest. Instead, they strategically harbored their resources, organized and built an army from among civilians and sympathizers within Paris, then misguidedly chose to barricade themselves within the confines of the city of Paris proper and, well...daring the French Army to come into Paris and get them. By the time Thiers and MacMahon got their forces up and engaged, fully recovered from the defeat of the French at the hands of the Prussians a year earlier, not only was the Commune eventually crushed, the civilian population of Paris was hit hard and left reeling, having suffered from the scorched-earth policies of the Commune (they burned down the Tuileries and the Hotel de Ville) and subsequently from the vengeful arm of General Galifet of the French Army - a martinet who cut down both innocent and guilty Parisians alike. It was a bloody end to a rebellion, but it was textbook in the annals of warfare.
I chose that example because here we have the Palestinians, governed by a dysfunctional, misguided, demonic, political entity known as Hamas - whose charter (constitution?), has called for the annihilation of their western, progressive, non-Islamic, democratic next door neighbor, Israel. This same Hamas - Jew-haters, Christian-haters, and haters of anyone except strict Sharia Law partisans - has not only been accused of firing rockets into Israel from non-military installations, but proven to have fired rocket into Israel from non-military installations by "objective" UN observers. In retaliation, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), using high tech detection methods has counter-punched, destroying not only the rocket launch sites, but the surrounding environs near where the strikes have originated. Unfortunately, it has resulted in civilian casualties - women and children - slaughtered by IDF counter strikes. Yet amazingly, all I'm reading from the news is why the IDF has been so "heavy handed" against civilians and children. Now COME ON! REALLY? SERIOUSLY?
While I have sympathy for the "women and wains" of Palestine who have suffered most grievously by this war business, it was their menfolk who brought it on. An old saying from the 'hood sorta sums things up for me: "Don't start nuthin' - there won't be nuthin'" - which leaves me with nothing but scorn and spite for Hamas and their tactics.
I just cannot wrap my mind around the thought of grown men - the blatant cowards and pussies - knowingly and strategically placing missile launchers in the midst of schools, hospitals, mosques, and heavily populated areas expecting that people will be sympathetic to their "struggle" when things don't work out.
As I heard from some wag, "Men typically hide their women and children and go fight - HAMAS hide BEHIND their women and children and try to fight.
So to answer the Young Turks host's question: Let Hamas fire from where they may. If in the field of battle, let them die a soldiers death. No shame in that. But if their fight is from among the skirts and diapers of their own women and children then, Young Turk, why don't you tweet to the world that this fight is DISHONORABLE and the blood of the innocents are on Hamas' hands, not Israel's. NUFF SAID.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Don't Mess with Israel
Very ghoulish, these evil Palestinians, as they handle the dismembered bodies of their own dead children. They started this one, hopefully Israel will finish it. A ridiculous and foolish conflict. And to think they would put missiles in or near a school! The U.N. observed this crime and the best they could do is offer "balanced" criticism of "both sides" in the conflict. But children, Palestine?? With this you have permanently lost any moral high ground you may have had. A new low in the curse and scourge of warfare. The lesson? Don't f**k with Israel.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
I'm baaack!
I simply couldn't take it anymore. I had no voice. My thoughts were spilling out into the open. People look at you as if you are crazy when that happens. The Republic is under assault from illegals who are unafraid of the rule of law. The borders are wide open and ripe for an attack. Middle Eastern and African regions are aflame with terror. ISIS (or ISIL) is absolutely Robespierrean in its murderous excesses in Iraq. Even now they have pushed with astonishing, Mohammad-like speed into Kurdish territory and seem to be aiming for the Syrian border. Russia - the "bad boys" of world politics - continues its expansionist plans in Ukraine, Syria, and beyond. And maybe, just maybe, they are strapping for a confrontation with the USA and its weak, narcissistic, Chief Executive. Israel is being attacked and anti-semites everywhere - on our college campuses, in major cities in Europe and in NYC - came out of the closet. And they came unashamed, without alloy, and they are numerous. The US government is fundamentally dysfunctional because the People it serves are dysfunctional. The world is crumbling and our President, like a fiddling Caesar, simply golfs!
Where to begin with all this...? With prayer and fasting, certainly. I will be updating this blog regularly from now on.
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