Thursday, December 18, 2008

Been Busy!

My apologies to all those who peruse the BallPointBlog from time to time. I haven't posted a thing in three weeks! Well, besides being a minister (I am bi-vocational), I work in the retail industry. Of course, one day I'd like to be full time. Please pray for me in that regard, will you? But since it is Christmas time you can imagine how busy I've been. I have tons of things to talk about and throw out to you, including a short article I am working on regarding America's covenant with God and Israel.

I know that 99% of you do not care to respond to my musings and diatribes - but that's quite OK with me! The blog was never intended to be a dialog. It is however from my heart and mind to yours!

Baruch Hashem! Soli deo Gloria! and Merry Christmas!

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