Friday, August 29, 2008

Hussein or McCain: why Barack won't get my vote

Well, he is debonair, intelligent, and a great speaker. With what one hopes is a great and promising future ahead of him, Barack Obama accepted his party's nomination for President of the United States last night. What I sense though, above all the hoopla surrounding this "historic" occasion, is that undefinable sense that people - even within his own party - aren't sure about this guy. (He is one of us, right? Some of them seem to be saying.) Then there's the name - Barack Hussein Obama - about as unconnected to America as U Thant. We are attached to brand names. We don't change "French" Fries to "Freedom" Fries if names do not matter to us.

There's also the detached coolness of Barack, a relative newcomer, with a studied liberalism in his worldview. And maybe it's not as much about him as it is the knee-jerk liberal view that whatever it is that's negative that happens in the world, somehow, someway, America is at fault for it. And with his recent comments on missile defense, I get the strange feeling that if we got into a scrap with another country - say Russia - he might not be willing to scrap. The DNC did a masterful job in portraying Obama as a simple person - not as complex as he really is.

Nevertheless, here are the 6 Reasons Barack will not get my vote:

1. Liberal social views. God, gays, and guns, as they say. From the perspective of a Christian thinker and preacher, I cannot countenance gay "marriage" - rationally - at all. Barack doesn't support gay marriage either, but he wouldn't oppose it. (btw, the latest polls show African-Americans 95% opposed to gay marriage, too.)

2. Abortion rights. Pro-abortion people are not much separated from the thinking behind the Third Reich. As has been pointed out on this blog, founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, played an influential role in the development of the racial theories and applications used by Hitler's henchmen. The answer Obama gave at the Saddleback Church about abortion and conception being "above my paygrade" told me this man is evasive and indirect. A human heartbeat isn't that complicated.

3. Absence of place. It is perhaps not really his fault for moving around so much, but I think it deprived him of a down-home center. This little piece from George Eliot is instructive of what I'm getting at:

A human life, I think, should be well rooted in some area of native land where it may get the love of tender kinship from the earth, for the labors men go forth to, for the sounds and accents that haunt it, for whatever will give that early home a familiar unmistakable difference amidst the future widening of knowledge. The best introduction to astronomy is to think of the nightly heavens as a little lot of stars belonging to one's own homestead.

Barack is no Abe Lincoln. He isn't a frontiersman, nor city-dweller, nor suburbanite, nor country-boy. He is a journeyman. He is from someplace else. People talk of his detached or unattached self. And now I understand why. A president is the chief of the Armed Forces of this country, the top warrior, if you will. A warrior will fight for his native ground, his land, his home. I have misgivings about Barack Obama and his attachment to our native land. And even among the brothers, (i.e., Black males) he's not from "around the way". Again, it is perhaps not his fault.

4. He reminds me of Jimmy Carter. St. James Carter has become the darling of the intelligentsia and media primarily because of what he's done since he left office. But when he was president, well, it was awful for foreign policy and awful for most Americans, who mercifully turned him out after one term. And I don't think it was a stretch to say that Nixon was a far better president than St. James from Plains. And that says a lot. I'm praying Obama is one and done, as well - without doing hurt, harm, or danger to our country.

5. The deification of Obama is suspicious politically. It even has strange whiff about it - eschatologically. The weeping, crying, eye-bulging, near-hysteria from his supporters makes me wonder. Oprah crying incessant tears of rapturous joy. Of course, when I see African-Americans going for him 95% and above, I am certain something's up. How can this be? What do they see? Racial pride? Deliverance from White oppression? Reparations? A Black Moses? Lower taxes? Better schools? Nuclear disarmament? What are they seeing??

Me? I see a god-man, made that way by the people and the media. He will be the next president, no doubt, but he will never be what the people want him to be. He is entirely too complex for that. I firmly believe that we are in the Last Days. Obama is no Antichrist, but the fawning adoration over him could make him the "John the Baptist" of the Antichrist. A forerunner of the world's greatest deceiver. Perhaps this is extreme, as I am wont to put things too strongly, but after Barack the Antichrist's work will be virtually done in this part of the world.

6. So what, exactly, has Barack done? His resume is modest, though showy. But he's ridiculously short on achievement. Barack the be-er trumps Barack the do-er. Of course, he is biracial, and for the mass of Black folk, I suppose that will do. I like Jennifer Rubin's take on him:

"Barack Obama left no trail as a law professor. But if you weren’t surprised that Barack Obama got through his stint as head of Harvard’s Law Review without writing anything , weren’t surprised that he didn’t accomplish much as a community organizer and know he has no legislative achievement from his brief tenure in the Senate, you won’t be shocked to learn that he left no footprints as a lecturer at University of Chicago’s Law School. Sure, the students loved him and became “groupies” ( you couldn’t make this up, really), but the other adults noticed that he did not engage intellectually and never put his own views to the test of vigorous debate with his peers. Why this recurrent pattern of non-achievement and invisibility? For one thing, Obama never stayed in one spot very long. If you are continually looking ahead, plotting your next move you don’t have much time or incentive to devote yourself and your full energies to mastering your current job. For another, if you take a position you are likely not to please everyone. And we know that more than anything else Obama craves and thrives on adoration and has searched much of his life for acceptance. Once you voice a view, people will disagree. You won’t be a uniter and you won’t be universally loved. And finally, if you put out your views, whether in writing or verbally, you will be subject to scrutiny. People may find your logic wanting or your ideas outmoded. And then (and years later) you will be held to account for the positions you took. So it should hardly come as a surprise that Obama has left no trail. (And you can understand why he is a bit sensitive about the topic of his own accomplishments.) But with that comes a host of questions. Is he capable or just glib? Can he put words in action or stand up to hostile forces? And is he out to improve and better those around him or just self-promote? We have never had a major candidate so close to the presidency who not only lacked a record of any note, but who seemed to have made an art form of not having one. It is extraordinary and deeply troubling."

Ah, well, it is time to move on. Four and done it is. Hail, Caesar, we who about to die salute you!

Baruch Hashem and Soli Deo Gloria!

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